William P. Seeley
Associate Professor (part time) | Adjunct lecturer
University of Southern Maine | UNH - Manchester
wseeley2 at gmail dot com
Oxford University Press
February 2020
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Student Collaborations & Projects
!RobotRodeo! /*LOOK MA, NO PLANS*/
Evolutionary Robotics, Bates College 2015 (with Peter Cole & Greggory Heller).
Lego Robotics & Embodied Cognition Lab - Phil321h, Bates College, Winter 2015.
Robot Rodeo Lab, Bates College 2014 (with Claire Bartell & Juergen Kritschgau).
Embodied Cognition & Artificial Life - Phil321h, Bates College, April 11, 2012.
Is Olfaction Really an Outlier? A Review of Anatomical and Functional Evidence for a Cortico-Thalamic Olfactory Attentional Circuit (2015-2017) - with Julie Self (Neuroscience, Bates College, 2018).
The Philosophy and Robotics Primer: Teaching Philosophy with Lego Robots (lab manual / book proposal) (2014 – 2018) – with Joseph Tulip (Chemistry, Bates College, 2018), Claire Bartell (Biology/Philosophy, Bates College, 2016), and Peter Cole (Physics, Bates College, 2015).
The Collaborative Drawing Project: Drawings after Sol LeWitt (2007-2016, Bates College and Franklin & Marshall College).
Sensorimotor Strategies for Object Categorization Through Environmental Interaction: A Study in Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Representation (2015-2016) - with Juergen Kritschgau (Philosophy Bates College, 2016), supported by a Hoffman Summer Research Fellowship: $3500).
Embodied Cognition, Intelligent Behavior and the Philosophy of Mind: Teaching Philosophy with Lego Robots (2015-2016) - with Claire Bartell (Biology/Philosophy, Bates College, 2016).
The Kindergarten Learning Approach: Implementing Early STEM Learning in the Classroom with Lego Robots (2015-2016) – with Joseph Tulip (Chemistry, Bates College, 2018).
Association Learning and Evolved Neural Network Controllers: Implementing Scalable Architectures for Modeling Intelligent Behaviors in Lego NXT Robots (2015) - with Peter Cole (Physics, Bates College, 2015) mad Greggory Heller (Neuroscience, Bates College, 2016).
Image Analysis and Visual Stylometry: Hue, Saturation, Luminance and Contour as Markers of Categories of Art (2013-2014) - with Catherine Buell (Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics) and Mathieu Duvall (Director, Imaging Center), Bates College.
Experiencing the Mind: A Webresource for Consciousness Studies (with Zena Sabath, Mariya Manahova, and Evan Beinecke (Independent project in Consciousness Studies- IS360 Fall 2013)
Does visuomotor skill confer an advantage in gestalt completion tasks and out-of-focus picture recognition in baseball and softball
players (2013) - (with Elise Levesque (Psychology, Bates College, 2013), Erin Harmon (Politics, Bates College, 2013), and Travis Boyle (Mathematics, Bates College, 2014).
Motor Skill as a Mediating Variable in the Effects of Energetic Costs on Apparent Egocentric Distance (2012) - with Zena Sabath (Chemistry/Philosophy, 2014), Greer Chapman (Biology, Bates College, 2013), and Professor Todd Kahan, Department of Psychology, Bates College.
The Influence of Art Historical Knowledge on Gaze Strategies in Viewers' Engagement with Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World (2012-2013) - with Tavis Cantania (Psychology, Franklin & Marshall College, 2013) and Professor Tony Chemero, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati.
Looking at Mona Lisa: A Psychophysiological Study (2012) - with Tavis Cantania (Psychology, Franklin & Marshall College, 2013) and Professor Tony Chemero, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnatti.
Movements & Marks: A Collaborative Choreographic Drawing Project & Automatic Dancing (1112131411) - with Rachel Boggia, Department of Dance, Bates College, Mathieu Duvall, Director, Imaging Center, Bates College, and the students of Atelier-DNMU337 & The Bates Dance Ensemble, Bates College, February/November 2011)
Nature (2011) - with Adam Agins, Bates College, 2011.
Motor Simulation & the Effects of Energetic & Emotional Costs of Depicted Actions in Picture Perception [Abstract]” (with Jessica Waughtel, Neuroscience, Franklin & Marshall College, 2008) (2008). Journal of Vision, 8(6), 2008: 1041a. doi: 10.1167/8.6.1041
In-Joint/Out-of-Joint: Motor Simulation & the Perception of Biologically Possible/Impossible Apparent Motion (with Angel Apell, Psychology, Franklin & Marshall College, 2009).
Does Surface Electromyography Reveal a Role for Motor Simulation in Picture Perception? (with Emily Halldorson, Biology, Franklin & Marshall College, 2008).