William P. Seeley
Associate Professor (part time) | Adjunct lecturer
University of Southern Maine | UNH - Manchester
wseeley2 at gmail dot com
Oxford University Press
February 2020
available now on

Robotics, Installation, Performance, or Metaphor?

Evolutionary Robotics Exercise: ERGA 0806, 2020

(Park & Seeley)
(Park & Seeley)
Grease Monkeys
(Seeley & Grunebaum)
Grease Monkeys
(Seeley & Grunebaum)
Ph.D. Rocker
Interviews Blogs & Other Media
How to Be a Moderate Optimist about Neuroscience in Philosophy of Film and Other Places, LOGOS (research group in analytic philosophy), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Science on Tap: Humans and Machines, Learning to be Creative Together. SEE Science Center, Manchester, NH, December 2020.
New Books in Philosophy Podcast: Interview with Carrie Figdor, Attentional Engines: A Perceptual Theory of the Arts (OUP 2020).
MELTON Talks: A Conversation on Art and Cognition with William P. Seeley & Veronica Cianfrano (Curator, UCO Melton Gallery)
Talk POPc ART As Cognition: Artworks as Attentional Engines
The Why, an interview with Chance Seales on the possibility of moral machines, Newsy, February 6, 2018.
Neuroscience and Appreciation, Very Funny Indeed, Aesthetics for Birds, ed. Christy Mag Uidhir, July 6, 2015.
Beauty & the Brain #202, an interview with Dr. Linda Belisle for Maine Magazine and Love Maine Radio, July 24, 2015.
Minded Motion Lab Google Hangout with Nancy Stark-Smith, Corinne Jola, & William P. Seeley, meta-academy@bates2013: Minded Motion